Friday, May 9, 2014

Forging a Head

Now that his eye is back in place after its little outing, I've been subjecting Mr Head to some panel beating and a coat of paint.  As you can see, he is most pleased with his new appearance.


  1. you continew to make us go ":O" you will be animating this?

    1. My goodness. "Work in progress"? How are you going to improve on something like this? XD

    2. @Karna Eskazoo: That's the plan.

      @argonauta: Do tell! ;)

  2. Superb job! Really inspiring.

  3. I was searching some inspiration for my work and I ended up here. Now I am frustrated because I know that I will never even come close to what you achieved! AMAZING, everything you created (the eye vid... OMG!!!)
    And you are also very sweet and humble, very modest in your comments.
    Truly inspirational, never stop those wonderful artwork.
    Your fan Lory :)

    1. Thanks Lory,

      Never is a long time... an "inordinate" amount of time should suffice. ;) Stick at the one thing for long enough and you're bound to at least come close.

  4. I'm anxious to see this face in motion.

  5. OMG ! you are amazing .. this is incredible :) .. i just want to ask you one question how you become that level ! .. is there is any courses or websites you recommended for me to saw or anything that just could make my level higher than beginner !

    1. Thanks - I'm self taught, so can't make any course recommendations unfortunately. I just spend a lot of time observing and persevering, and scouring the LW forums and the net whenever I get stuck.

    2. Thats really are self taught?? me too..but i am using maya or c4d have even not solve the problems of long have you started learning?Is there an advice you'd like to share with the ...self-taught people?

  6. Can I have your autograph?

  7. A few minor flaws in the model itself, but really impressive work as a result!

  8. A screenshot from the first few seconds of the video would be indistinguishable from a human face.

    Amazing, /amazing/ render. This is one of the best, if not /the/ best CGI renders I've seen yet.

    Are you still active? I'm necro'ing this post by a few months shy of two years, and I'd also like to know what engine you used to render this.

    Truly stunning. You could make big money from a CGI movie given your expertise. :3

    1. Still active, just haven't done anything much in 3D for a while. It's Lightwave's native renderer.

  9. WOW Chris, fantastic work! I've seen these demos before and I've seen Passenger but never put 2 n 2 together. Passenger especially is SO beyond ahead of it's time, it is still better than most modern pieces. I teach animation and I always show my students that project.

    Wish I used Lightwave instead of Maya so I could ask you specifics on a bunch of stuff :)
    Amazing work, can't wait to see what you have brewing next!

  10. Wow this is just Awesome work ! Thank you for sharing and keep it coming .
