Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Universal Human Website

The other day I added a proper front page and gallery to the place where the Universal Human documentation resides, and then didn't bother to tell anybody.  I should probably do that.

Friday, December 4, 2020

8 New Releases

My Gumroad store just received a massive influx of new items!  But first, here's the obligatory demo video for the long awaited Face Rig:

Rather than disrupt my site's aesthetics with a cascade of Gumroad buttons, I've added some pictures to click on for instead for details.  The fourth one just goes to the storefront, so here are direct links to the Head Base Meshes: Male, Female, African, Asian, European.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Version 2.0 Out Now!

Finally! I cobbled a video together mostly from pertinent bits of the full video, and revamped a music sketch I found in my archives.

Here's that product page button again, in all its conspicuous glory.

Buy Human

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Snag

I've slightly bungled my self-imposed deadline by possibly not being clear enough about the actual week of release (it's this week), plus I realised at the last minute that the launch video could really do with a soundtrack on it… so let's give it another day or two to be safe.   In the mean time I've *secretly* updated the file on Gumroad, so customers don't have to wait… ;)

Stand by for the PROPER release!!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Version 2.0

The showcase video I'm making to coincide with the Base Version update is taking too long, so instead of making everybody wait around for that to materialise, I've decided to cut to the chase and release the goods already.  Not right now though, since I said I'd put out a last call before the price goes up.  So let's say Tuesday or Wednesday next week (East Australian time), barring any snags.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Is It Too Soon For A Version 2.0...?

In case you haven't been paying attention, a new feature is on the way: Customisable Skeletal Proportions!

This feature will represent a significant upgrade in functionality for the Universal Human Base Version that not only allows easy, non-destructive editing of the rig for customising humans, but expands the scope into the realms of humanoid creatures and stylised characters as well.  Here's a demo of the hand being tortured with it (see previous posts for full-body examples).

Since this functionality can't easily be split out into an add-on-able component, it will have to be integrated into the feature set of the Base Version.  The price will be getting a bit of a bump up to reflect this (I'm thinking in the order of +$15 to $20 or so).

Before that happens though, I have to make a relaunch video as well as update the documentation and all that fun stuff, so if you get onboard before then, you'll get it for the original price and receive the update for free when it's ready (along with the current users).

I'll forewarn again when the time is nigh.  Meanwhile, here's that big ugly product page button again to tempt you:

Buy Human

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Odd Couple

Two of my recent test subjects to have successfully undergone experimental rig enhancement therapy:

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Human Genders

Male/female base meshes are available, and they work with the aforementioned rig (or on their own). So now you can do even more of what I do.

Buy Male Base Mesh

Buy Female Base Mesh

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Universal Human

My human project now has a proper name, and I've just released the rigged base mesh (which works in the free, open source Blender) on Gumroad.  So if you want to do what I do, now you can do some of what I do too.  Woohoo!

Buy Human