Saturday, May 12, 2007


Welcome to the murky greenish grey of WEBSITE MK II. The old one wasn't much fun to maintain and I needed a front end that would allow for expansion into other less "Passengery" things. Consequently it's got more buttony thingamabobs, searchy whatchamacallits, RSS dooverlackies and other high tech ...stuff.

Don't be alarmed though, The Passenger is still high priority and the original pages are still mostly intact and viewable by clicking on the image above. They took me ages to do (believe it or not) and I'm not about to go dragging all my good work into the recycle bin. Besides, I don't know how to do those spooky glowy buttons and things in here.

The site is somewhat empty (again) for now, so consider this a replacement for what was previously known as "Newsy Bloggy Thing" until I've come up with some material to populate its pages.


  1. Will The Passenger be screening anywhere in Melbourne at all? The Melbourne International Animation Festival perhaps? I would really like to see it.

  2. Nothing's lined up for Melbourne at the moment unfortunately. Festivals have turned out to be more trouble/expense than they're worth, so I'm having to limit myself to just the ones that can offer to take care of all that for me. The film is still pretty much off the radar here - maybe one of the local festivals will pick it up eventually.
