Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hands up who wants a Passenger DVD

Now don't get excited, I'm not handing them out. I don't even have any made yet - and that's where you come in. If you're interested in buying such a thing, you might like to vote in the little poll thingy on the right so I can get a vague idea of numbers.

The "I can play either" option is supposed to simplify things in the event that I can only afford to make one format. So check that if you can play both PAL and NTSC.

Thanks for participating!


  1. Excellent work. I would love to purchase this DVD. Let me know when it is shipping. Also if you have a reel, I would be very interested in seeing more of your work.


  2. Put me down for one. I'm in the US, so I vote for NTSC. It looks like a great little short.


  3. Does it come in Blu Ray? If not, PAL is fine.

  4. I was really entertained at the Port Moody Film Society in Port Moody, British Columbia, Canada, on April 18, 2008, with the presentation of "The Passenger".

    The average age of the audience was probably about 45 yet they were laughing vigorously. We were probably all thinking that "The Passenger" illustrates EXACTLY what is going through the minds of our teenage children when they are listening to eardrum-splitting rock music.

    As a dog lover, I would have preferred the transmuting goldfish to have been inflicted on an annoying, yowling cat.

    I'd be interested in obtaining "The Passenger" on DVD. My DVD player can play either PAL or NTSC format.

    "The Passenger" will become a classic of animation!

  5. Please count me in for one NTSC copy. I have not seen anything but the trailer so far, but your documentation of your process has been quite an inspiration! Congratulations to you for doing what so many set out to do but fall short. Great job man!
