Sunday, February 19, 2012

Website Mk III

Much as I liked my old site, hackers with pharmaceuticals to sell seemed to like it as well, so it had to go. Since I was rebuilding everything (for the third time I might add) I thought I might as well take advantage of the situation and do some redecorating - the upshot of which is that the site works a little bit better now as well. Take that pharma-hackers!

Now I just have to deal with this other 'entity' that's trying to claim ownership of The Passenger and have it blocked from YouTube...


  1. por favor
    coloca The Passenger em Alta Qualidade no Youtube.

  2. A bit late but what's this about someone trying to claim ownership of your work?

  3. Some company in India decided the film was their property, so YouTube gave them the benefit of the doubt. Consequently it was marked as banned worldwide, although that appears not to have transpired. I did lose some revenue though.

    Seems to be sorted for now, no thanks to YouTube for allowing it to happen in the first place...

  4. I wonder if it's the same company as the one that sold Sintel as their own product last year. People will stop at nothing to make money. :(

  5. Hadn’t heard about that…was it anything to do with Reliance Entertainment? Pigeon Impossible was hit at around the same time, although it appeared to be back to normal after a day or two. Weird thing is that they wouldn’t have actually profited from doing this in any way that I can see (other than maybe eliminating some “competition” ;) ).

  6. I don't know the specifics. I believe they just took it upon themselves to sell it under a different production house. I believe the real people behind it just ignored them since you can't really stop that stuff in india i'm afraid. At least not from happening there. Here that's another matter. It's too bad they were able to hit your revenue. Youtube should be more sensible with that kind of stuff. The funny part is that your video is fairly popular, it should have been easy to see through this.

  7. That was the main concern, having my ownership usurped and being completely powerless to do anything about it. Fortunately I was able to get an email address from Youtube (eventually), but it was still touch and go for a while there. I find it alarming that anyone can file a claim and YouTube will approve it without any supporting evidence, leaving legitimate content owners guilty until proven innocent.

  8. Will youtube compensate you for the trouble they caused?

  9. Pretty unlikely. I doubt they're even aware they caused any trouble, considering how difficult they are to communicate with!

  10. I'm just a passenger here myself, but I wanted to say : Amazing work :)
    It's great to see people not giving up considering how much work it is to something like The Passenger alone :)
    When I see so many talents and so few opportunities (I know a lot of great guys whom struggle finding good jobs) for you 3D/animation guys, I really feel that the world is not going the right way...

  11. Chris, How can I contact you beside this blog
