Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Art History: Pointillism

Comprised of thousands of carefully placed dots, this was one of the more perverse visual acuity degeneration tortures administered at TAFE. Ink on paper, referenced from a photo. Age 17.

My Art History: Military Droid II

When drawings were progressing nicely I had an unfortunate tendency to abandon them, having already gained sufficient knowledge or satisfaction from them - hence the unfinished background in this one. Pencil on paper, age 17.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Art History: Chrome-a-Key

Another reflection study. Based on a photo of a human hand turning a key, I think. Pencil, age 16-17.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Art History: Chevrolet 1925 Superior K

My first commissioned work, and the most labour-intensive so far (20+ hours). It went on to win first prize in the "12-18 Years Pen or Pencil Any Subject" category, as well as overall "Best Art Exhibit" at the 1989 Bendigo Show. Pencils again, but without the ink outlines this time. Photo references used. Age 16.

My Art History: Military Assault Droid

Somehow I managed to turn a year 10 graphics project into an excuse to draw gun wielding robots of the future. My most elaborate piece of self indulgence up to this point. Pencil and fineliner on paper, age 15-16 .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Art History: Circuit Electroniques

In 1987 I scored an airbrush for Christmas, after much begging, and soon learned the importance of selecting a painting surface that is compatible with Frisket. In this instance I spent much of my time surgically removing the film from the paper with a scalpel, the scars of which are visibly evident. Ink on paper, age 15.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Art History: Reflections

As my drawings became increasingly polished, so did my subject matter; some logo designs on the left, including an Atari/Activision fusion, and on the right is one of several attempts at resolving reflections on a chrome head, as inspired by some mid-'80s computer animations (particularly those of Robert Abel & Associates). Pencil and fineliner on paper, age 15-16.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Art History: The Twilight Zone

Finally, something with a date on it!  Age 14.

My Art History: Plaque Attack

A pencil and fineliner combo from around 1985-1986, no later than '87.The guy in the foreground is fending off chocolate and Lifesavers with a tube of rocket propelled toothpaste. Age 13-14.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Art History: Egg Eye

One day in 1985 (give or take a year or two), I decided to venture out of my pencilly comfort zone and experiment with blending poster paints to create gradations. At a time when paints were still being used for covering large areas or filling in flat blocks of colour, it felt as though I had made some kind of quantum leap discovery that could propel me years ahead of the curve...

...and then I went straight back to pencils again. : Age 11-12-13...?

My Art History: Film Preproduction

Sometime around 1984 I began work on my next movie, which was going to be even more spectacular than the last one I never finished. Pictured here are the hero spaceship featuring retractable spider legs, a diabolical craft equipped with huge rotating sickles for levelling forests, a pilot, an interior and some battle scenes. Age 12-ish.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Art History: Hubert's House

Nothing particularly noteworthy here, other than that I'm pretty sure I vaguely recall doing this in 1983 - I think. Tip: ALWAYS DATE EVERYTHING - it will save you hours of guesswork later in life. Age 10-11

My Art History: Don't Litter

A public service announcement. Age 9-10.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Art History: Time Machine

My plans for a time machine. Contains all the important facilities necessary for negotiating the perils of time travel, such as emergency switch, game computer and TV. Bad photocopy - not sure what became of the original. Age 8-9

My Art History: Scissor Lift Rocket Sled Tank

A design for my epic Super 8 animated Hoth-esque snow battle, which never quite made it into production. Age 8-ish.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Art History: Giant 5 Legged Squid

Not really a squid, but I suppose "5 legged octopus" would have made even less sense. Even the cat stepped in to try and help rectify the situation by contributing an extra "leg", while simultaneously providing himself as a scale reference.

Looks like I abandoned the colouring-in phase shortly after discovering that my textas weren't built to cover this kind of surface area. Age 6.

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Art History: Horses

Harder to draw than pianos. Especially galloping ones (horses that is). Age 6.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Art History: Piano

Possibly one of my first perspective drawings. At first glance it appears that the keyboard is backwards, but actually it's just missing the black keys (lost interest perhaps..?). I've applied some heavy image enhancements since the pencil work is very faint. Age 5-6.

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Art History: Profiles

My first attempt at side view faces apparently. Age 5.

My Art History: Santa

Jedi SantaWith a... uh... lightsaber. Age 4. Pencil outlines courtesy of someone else I think.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Art History

Person With Stripy ThingNo, this is not a design for my next movie.
I always intended to have a place on the site for my drawings/paintings etc, but never seemed to have anything current that I'm authorised to show. So I've decided to raid the archives and start posting some of my earlier works. I might put them up in chronological order, and we can all pretend that I'm improving at a superhumanly accelerated rate!

This is the earliest one I could find with a date on it. Age 3.