Thursday, July 19, 2007

InDPanda, Hong Kong

InDPanda International Short Film Festival
From what I can discern, The Passenger will be included in the "World Amazing Animations" program at the InDPanda International Short Film Festival in Hong Kong, Broadway Cinematheque, on Saturday 18th August 2007 at 7:50pm. To find out what else is on, click on the pictures at the top of their web page.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Cyprus Festival

Cyprus Documentary & Animation Festival
Passing through the Mediterranean with nothing to do? Why not drop in to the Cyprus International Documentary and Animated Film Festival in the village of Platanistia, Cyprus, and catch a screening of The Passenger? It's on somewhere between August 8-12 2007, and it's free! Keep an eye on for screening details.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

More Oscar Screenings

I've just noticed there are a few more Oscar Shorts screenings at the Magnolia Pictures site that weren't there before, so if you want to see The Passenger on the big screen you might want to check where you live (ask your neighbours, they'll know), and see if that happens to be in the same place as one of those screenings.