Well I seem to have somewhat inadvertently submitted the film to the "International Panorama" at the Nemo festival in Paris (it's a long story), and lo and behold it's been selected! So now, because of my "mishap", you get to see the film there for FREE! Provided you're in Paris of course. If not, now might be a good time to go and visit.
Now I don't speak a word of French, so I'm not entirely sure where or when it's on, but it appears to be "Lundi 30 avril 20h 45 - 22 h Le Cinéma des cinéastes". That's Monday April 30 20h 45 - 22 H The Cinema of the scenario writers, according to Google Translate. If you speak French better than Google then you should check the details here.
So... apprécier l'exposition, et battre fort ! ...whatever that means.